Wednesday 13 January 2010


The combined results from both games so far are;

Zak 6 points
Gabe 5 points
Anthony 5 points
Josh 4 points
Thomas 3 points
Conner 3 points
Tim 3 points
Lewis 3 points
Liam 2 points
Joe 2 points
Stephan 1 points

Tuesday 12 January 2010


The battle for the power sources continues. Those players who were successful in lasts weeks battle will begin the game in a defensive position around one of the power sources. All other players will be assaulting those positions.

All forces are now equipped with various night vision abilities and therefore the ruling about night fighting has been removed – although it is still eternal night on the planet NOCTURNUS.

The defending forces have though taken counter measures to prevent any form of deep strike.

The power source nodes are the objective of the game; the player with the greatest point value of figures within 12 inches of this objective at the end of the game will be the victor.
Victory will allow the force at utilise the power source in game 3 next week.

Tuesday 5 January 2010

Encounter Nocturnus Alpha Results

Name Points
Gabe R 3
Anthony F 3
Zach S 3
Connor M 1
Thomas A 1
Josh L 1


New 40k Campagin Sarting in Chimera Ripley:

The Story So Far: The Armies of the Warhammer World have located little Ancient enegy sources and have sent scouts out to Planet Nocturnus to investigate. Since, they have found reasons to battle against each other in a desperate attempt to reach and capture the energy source, but what is the truth behing the origin of these strange discoveries. The frantic fight to death continues...

The Rules:

Patrols are no more than 400pts.
You must take one Troop choice.
You may take a maximum of One HQ choice.
You may spend remaining points from any part of the codex.
(Try to think patrols though!)
No character or beast may have more than two wounds.
No Special Characters.
No 2+ saves.
No vehicles with a total Armour Value greater than 34.
(Front Side and Rear added together.)

During our warhammer 40K play sessions we have decided to implement a tournament structure based around skirmish rules for small-scale armies and to give players the opportunity to start playing the game correctly, and competitively but in a more casual environment. Running a small tournament will encourage players to play the game to the proper rules and construct useable armies, helping them to develop proper playing of the game, and give a better understanding of the rules.

Players will play one tournament game a week at either our Tuesday or Saturday (players that play at only one or the other session will not be paired together) gaming sessions and their results will be added to a monthly leader board with our monthly champion being announced at the end of each calendar month.

Once a player has played their weekly tournament game they may play a casual play match if there is time left in the session.
( A game should take around 45 mins)

Store staff will be available to help the players with all aspects of play from initial help with army list construction and how to add their points up, through to tactics and strategy help.
There are core rule books in the store which players may use to look up the rules of play however players will need to bring the relevant (current) codex for their army if using rules specific to their own army and not given in the main rule book. We do not have Codex to loan out.